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Human Resources

5 Tips to Help You Achieve a Great Work-Life Balance

With all work and no play making Jack a dull boy (plus stressed, unhappy and exhausted), is having great work-life balance necessary? Today we look at understanding what having a work-life balance means, plus five simple tips on how you too can achieve one. What

Do You Need An Accountability Coach?

We all have things we’ve wanted to get done for ages but are no closer to getting them sorted today than we were a year ago. It could be anything from writing a book, a blog, redeveloping your website or putting time aside to develop

Claiming Work Clothes as a Business Expense

New Zealand does not have the most liberal tax laws when it comes to making claims for work clothes. This is one thing that our cousins across the ditch are far more generous with. There is a very narrow definition in NZ tax law and

Tax & Your Motor Vehicle Expenses

Many businesses need to get their employees around the place to do their jobs. This often means that they need to either have company motor vehicles for their employees to use, or reimburse their employees for the use of their personal cars.  Much of the