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Tag: Corporate Responsibility

COVID-19: The Hospitality Sector at Level 3

New Zealand will move down to Alert Level 3 from start of business on Tuesday 28th April 2020. The change in the alert level will mark a shift from ‘essential’ business operations to ‘safe’ business operations, with many strict restrictions still in place. For hospitality at level 3, this means

COVID-19: Operating Your Business Out of Lock-down

As we hit week four of the nationwide lock-down, it’s time to start actively thinking about how you will operate your business out of lock-down. We’ve already discussed developing your business continuity plan, so hopefully you’ve already started planning and putting some actions in place to come out of lock-down

Getting Your Business Through Tough Times

If you’re a small business owner whose company hasn’t gone through hard times, that’s great but it’s likely to happen at some point. As much as we dream about being brilliant enough at business that we’ll never face slow times, there are many things beyond our control that can negatively

Top Tips for Managing Remote Teams

Employees at businesses both large and small are now telecommuting/ working from home. Many companies around the world are restructuring their management practices to meet the challenges and opportunities of managing remote teams. Now with the spread of the COVID-19 and workers being asked to work-from-home the need for managing

Is Declaring Bankruptcy the Right Choice for You?

If financially things aren’t looking that great, you may be considering declaring bankruptcy. Making your debts go away may seem like the obvious solution, but there’s a lot to consider before you do. While bankruptcy can clear your debts from the time you lodge a debtor’s petition with the Official

16 Things Which Help Create a Successful Business Mindset

A strong business mindset doesn’t come easily to everyone. Fortunately, there are things that business owners can do to ensure their business succeeds. We’ve put together a list of 16 key things you can do to create a successful business mindset. 16 Tasks to Help You Create a Successful Business

What is An Organisational Review for My Business?

If you’ve been told you need to complete an organisational review, or are now wondering if you need one, read on. An organisational review is a great tool to help you: Improve the way your business is structured. Solve any performance issues. Change the culture of your business. Fix any

Running a Business with an Abundance Mentality

There are a huge number of benefits to running a business with an abundance mentality, but what is it. What is an Abundance Mentality In short, an abundance mentality is an acknowledgement that there is enough demand in the market to support many businesses. Its essentially the business version of

Building a Business Based on Values

Every day you will make decisions and choices based on your values. Whether you notice it or not, these values are an important part of your identity. They have a profound impact on the way you conduct yourself. Its the same for a business, so having a well defined set