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Tag: Core Values

Here’s What You Need to Know About Business Rebranding

If you’re considering a business rebranding, you’re likely to have multiple reasons as to why you are likely to take this path. Whatever your reasons, business rebranding isn’t something that just happens overnight and requires identifying the specific reasons why a rebrand is necessary. Some of the main reasons business

Staying Active When You Work a Desk Job

Having a desk job suits many of us down to a tee, but can come at the expense of our health and well-being. A sedentary desk job and lifestyle can lead to increases in cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and a decline in mental well-being. Before you pull out

How to Identify and Succeed Within Your Niche Market

You’ve most likely heard of the term niche market before. Often business owners are asked specifically what theirs is by business advisors, accountants, financiers and other owners. What we’ve found though, is that there is a reasonable amount of owners who still haven’t identified their own, or have little understanding

COVID-19: Operating Your Business in Alert Level 2

Originally Published 7th May 2020 Last Updated 30th August 2020 The government has announced what COVID-19 Alert Level 2 will look like for New Zealand.  The decision to shift to Level 2 is yet to be made.  Cabinet meets on Monday to decide if, and when, the shift to Level

Why Hiring a Bookkeeper is an Investment, Not a Cost

As a small business owner, you’re probably keeping a close eye on every cent you spend. You need to have a good eye on your income and expenses to manage your cashflow, so that’s a good thing. However, it might mean that you are wasting time micro-managing your finances and

COVID-19: The Hospitality Sector at Level 3

New Zealand will move down to Alert Level 3 from start of business on Tuesday 28th April 2020. The change in the alert level will mark a shift from ‘essential’ business operations to ‘safe’ business operations, with many strict restrictions still in place. For hospitality at level 3, this means

Bootstrapping for Business Survival

Bootstrapping is figuring out how to reduce the cash you need to start or run your business, by eliminating any unnecessary overheads while finding out who will give you a hand. If for whatever reason you’re not able to raise enough capital to start-up you might be able to get

COVID-19: Operating Your Business Out of Lock-down

As we hit week four of the nationwide lock-down, it’s time to start actively thinking about how you will operate your business out of lock-down. We’ve already discussed developing your business continuity plan, so hopefully you’ve already started planning and putting some actions in place to come out of lock-down

Getting Your Business Through Tough Times

If you’re a small business owner whose company hasn’t gone through hard times, that’s great but it’s likely to happen at some point. As much as we dream about being brilliant enough at business that we’ll never face slow times, there are many things beyond our control that can negatively