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Tag: Coaching

How to Choose the Right Business Mentor for You

A business mentor can help you take your business to new heights: but only if you choose the right one. From offering advice, support and a listening ear, business mentors understand and really ‘get it’ when it comes to the struggles a business owner faces. Like everything though, all business

Beginner’s Guide to Outsourcing in NZ

Outsourcing. Does it sound such a scary word to you? For many new and small businesses, the answer is a resounding yes! Outsourcing involves paying someone to do something related to your business. If cashflow is short or you struggle with the thought of others doing something for your business,

16 Things Which Help Create a Successful Business Mindset

A strong business mindset doesn’t come easily to everyone. Fortunately, there are things that business owners can do to ensure their business succeeds. We’ve put together a list of 16 key things you can do to create a successful business mindset. 16 Tasks to Help You Create a Successful Business

Transforming Your Hobby into a Profitable Business

Your considering turning your hobby into a profitable business but have a few questions you’d like answered first. We’re guessing they include questions such as: How do I know if it will be successful? What steps do I need to take to set up a new business? Should I quit

Top 9 Mistakes New Business Owners Make

New business owners are a special breed of people. Motivated, idea-driven and entrepreneurial, they enjoy a challenge and are not afraid to step outside of their comfort zone. Yet with around a 40% chance of a business with five or fewer employees surviving the first four years, the statistics are

I have an Accountant so why do I need an Accountability Coach?

Most good accountants are great at reading the data and giving implementable advice to their customers to help improve that bottom line. They are worth their weight in gold if they can tell you at a glance about seasonal fluctuations, government policies that may affect you and areas where you

Do You Need An Accountability Coach?

We all have things we’ve wanted to get done for ages but are no closer to getting them sorted today than we were a year ago. It could be anything from writing a book, a blog, redeveloping your website or putting time aside to develop your business. The list of