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Budget 2023

Budget 2023: Insights for New Zealand Business

On the 18th May 2023, Finance Minister Grant Roberston released the 2023 Budget for the New Zealand Government. To help cut through the noise and see what benefits, if any, the budget holds in store for small business, the team at MBP have reviewed the

electronic sales suppression software tools

What is Electronic Sales Suppression Software?

The IRD has recently launched a widely publicised crack-down on Electronic Sales Suppression Software (ESS) tools. This has obviously prompted a lot of questions, mostly, what is electronic sales suppression software? As an honest business person and responsible taxpayer, you can be forgiven for not

Christmas Bonus Staff Gifts Employee Bonus Christmas Party Tax Deductible Gift

Christmas 2022: Parties, Presents & Bonuses

Its Christmas time. The season for office parties, generosity and spending way too much on presents. To make the post-holiday season hangover a little less shocking, here are a few of our key tips on parties, presents and bonuses that you need to be aware

The Business Expenses You Can and Can’t Control

If you’ve been to one of our business development events before, you’ll likely be familiar with the bucket analogy we often use. Put very simply, your business is like a bucket with holes in it: when you earn money, the bucket fills up. Running costs

New Low Value Asset Expense Deduction Rules

For many years, the low value asset threshold for depreciation had been set at $500.00. This meant that everything over $500.00 had to be capitalised and depreciated as a fixed asset. The cost of many business items has increased significantly since the rules were last

Breakdown: Budget 2020 – The ‘Jobs Budget’?

New Zealand’s Budget 2020 was promised to be the “jobs budget” by the Prime Minister just prior to its announcement.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to see how this budget saves or creates many jobs in the short to medium term.  Of course, it must be

New Business Support Options Released by Government

The government’s latest COVID-19 support package includes further measures to try and ease the pain of the lockdown. It includes ‘tax breaks’, business advice funding and guidelines for tenants and landlords. At first glance it seems this package, unfortunately, may not do a lot for

How To Reconcile the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy

The process to apply for the Covid-19 Wage Subsidy is pretty straight-forward and the turn around in payment has been very quick. We initially fielded hundreds of queries about the application process and having dealt with these are now receiving queries about how to reconcile

Preparing for EOFY 2020

Well, this 31 March feels a bit different, doesn’t it?  This year-end seems more like prepping for a doomsday than gathering your info to send off to us. If you want to look for a positive, the lockdown is going to give many of you