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business recovery business continuity business planning

A Guide to Business Recovery in the Pandemic World

Business recovery is increasingly top of mind. As you well know, the COVID-19 pandemic is not just a public health issue, it’s also caused lockdowns and resulting financial worries on a global scale. Small businesses are not strangers to the impacts of the pandemic. In

work from home pandemic preparedness business continuity

Pandemic Preparedness Tips for Your Business

The COVID-19 pandemic caught most of us off guard. Who would’ve thought that the world would spend years battling a virus? Its important to take this all as a learning opportunity and get set with pandemic preparedness for any future disruptions, lockdowns or issues. This

Changes to the Government Business Finance Guarantee Scheme

The Government’s Business Finance Guarantee Scheme has been an epic failure. Today, some welcome changes to the scheme have been announced by Finance Minister Grant Robertson. The scheme has been too restrictive and there was far too much red tape for struggling businesses to jump

Top Tips for Financial Survival During COVID-19

We’ve heard this before: the COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented global health and financial crisis that has caught many off guard. While the threats to human life are very real, the damage to the health of businesses is really just starting to show. In the

Cost Saving Tactics for Small Business

At a time like this, money is tight for pretty much every business. Cutting costs can be a quick and easy way to improve the profitability of your business. Introducing well thought out cost saving tactics can bring immediate savings and ensure you remain profitable

Tips for Building a Cash War Chest in a Crisis

Your “war chest” is the financial reserve your business has built up so you can take advantage of an opportunity or cover unexpected costs or emergencies. Building a cash reserve when finances are tight, however, can be difficult. You need money to continue running your

New Low Value Asset Expense Deduction Rules

For many years, the low value asset threshold for depreciation had been set at $500.00. This meant that everything over $500.00 had to be capitalised and depreciated as a fixed asset. The cost of many business items has increased significantly since the rules were last

Breakdown: Budget 2020 – The ‘Jobs Budget’?

New Zealand’s Budget 2020 was promised to be the “jobs budget” by the Prime Minister just prior to its announcement.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to see how this budget saves or creates many jobs in the short to medium term.  Of course, it must be

How To: Continue Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

As many business owners are experiencing, the COVID-19 pandemic has created serious financial difficulties for entrepreneurs. Small businesses especially are faced with cutting their budgets so they can continue to operate—even at a smaller scale—and not have to close for good. They also have to